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District 8 East Regional Schedule

UP Ophthalmology 14U Bantam Tier III MAHA State Champions

Our new sign is up at the HIT!

Concession Sign Up

To sign up to work in the concession, click here or the Dibs tab at the top:


EAJHA President

Trevor Sholten

EAJHA Vice President

Andy Wilson

EAJHA Scheduler

Chris Korpi

EAJHA Tournament Director

Korinne Lamoreaux

Division Directors


Jennifer Blickham

8U Mite

Korinne Lamoreaux

10U Squirt

Cassie Lanaville

12U Peewee

Mike Lasecki

14U Bantam

Mike Lasecki

Board Meeting Dates/Locations

Board meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday every month at 6:00 pm in the Hannahville Ice & Turf concession.